Massage Therapy
Studies show that massage therapy is beneficial in the treatment of fibromyalgia, a chronic syndrome characterized by generalized pain, joint rigidity, intense fatigue, sleep alterations, headache, spastic colon, craniomandibular dysfunction, anxiety and depression. This study shows that massage-myofascial release techniques improved pain and quality of life in these patients. The study massage group received 90-minute massage for 20 weeks.
- The study found a reduction in sensitivity to pain at tender points.
- Immediately after treatment and one month following the massage program, anxiety levels, quality of sleep, pain and quality of life were still improved.
Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression Therapy (DTS) is the most comprehensive program available, allowing the safe delivery of this (previously hospital based) procedure in our office. DTS treatments are one of the most gentle and comfortable therapies available. Patients often report that they fall asleep during treatment sessions. The worlds’ largest manufacturer of hospital based rehabilitation equipment, with over 58 years of experience, produces the Spinal Decompression Therapy system.
A DTS treatment is a non-invasive disc therapy with more than 50,000 patients being treated annually. DTS is a comprehensive program of the newest traction techniques with targeted “core” stabilization. This therapy affects the disc as directly as possible without surgery. In the majority of cases, patients experience long-term relief of their pain when they complete the entire program of treatments, which consists of 20 office visits in close succession. In fact, clinical results of this type of therapy have been effective in over 75% of patients treated.
A gradual breakdown to the foundational support of your back is what puts undue stress on the discs and leads to pain and loss of function. The DTS system creates a controlled unloading of the vertebrae to decrease disc pressure, thus increasing blood and nutrient exchange. This exchange of fluids is something that the damaged disc desperately needs to help it heal, from the inside out.
The three phases of Spinal Decompression Therapy are; Treatment, Stabilization and Support. We typically treat three times a week for one month, transitioning from passive to active treatments as you respond. Most patients are released from treatment after eight weeks. The best advantage is that you are able to continue working during the entire treatment program, so there is no loss of income.
Frequently Asked Questions
[Spinal Decompression]
Prolotherapy [injection therapy]
Prolotherapy is also known as “proliferative therapy” or “regenerative injection therapy.” It is a simple and natural technique that stimulates the body to repair the painful area when the natural healing process needs assistance. In many cases, commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory medications and more drastic measures such as surgery and joint replacement might not help and often hinder or even prevent the healing process.
Dr. Robart received his prolotherapy training in Denver, Co. from the American Academy of Musculoskeletal Medicine under the instruction of Thomas Ravin, M.D., John Cantieri, D.O., and John Pasquarello D.O.
Initial patient consultation will include full exam of the affected region and will include orthopedic tests, a neural exam, palpation and assessment of body healing capability.
* Insurance does not cover Protherapy
Insurance coverage for prolotherapy varies depending on your carrier. Medicare, as well as a number of insurance carriers, does not cover prolotherapy.
Some carriers will provide partial coverage. Robart Rehabilitation and Wellness is considered an out-of-network provider.
When evaluating whether to pursue prolotherapy, please realize that it is often less expensive to pay out-of-pocket for the procedure compared to the co-pays of expensive surgeries, hospitalizations and resultant rehabilitation.